Design, Build and Repair

A.B. Nova Fire Protection
designs industrial, commercial, residential and marine environment fire sprinkler systems.

Specializes in layout and installation of flow tests

Hydraulic systems

Underground fire mains

Installation of back flow preventers

Fire pumps

Fire hydrants


A.B. Nova Fire Repairs


Sprinkler heads

Fire pumps

Central valves

Flow switches
(All designs and plans are engineer stamped)



A.B. Nova Fire Protection offers advice, information and ideas that are backed by 32 years of experience.  Consultation is free and A.B. Nova Fire strives to keep costs as low as possible.


Fire Sprinkler Inspection

Fire sprinklers are a critically important part for every fire protection system, but they need regular inspection in order to ensure that they will be able to keep you protected at all times.


Annual and Quarterly

Certified Back Flow

Fire Hydrant

Preaction Systems

Dry Systems

Foam Systems

Deluge Systems

Stand Pipes

Fire Department Connections


"Watch Out,

Here We Come!"

Lic# F2000-1448

Lic# FPC 11-00024

Get in Touch

Need Answers Now?

Please reach out if you have any comments, questions, or concerns. To schedule an appointment for maintenance or inspection, or  a quote on any of the services we offer, please call us.

OFFICE     727.954.7553

24/7/365 727.400.8240

FAX           888.515.3876


© 2023  A.B. Nova Fire Protection, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.